Cost of Call Announcement is Wrong

Actually, it does not say dollars or cents. If the rate is 0.602 dollars (60 cents) then it will play 0 point 6, 0, 2 per minutes (that voice prompt is wrong).

That’s not my code though. It was always like that. ASTPP does not say the currency name dollars or cents when announcing the rate.

I am doing a different use case, so I have no experience with it announcing any fees.

You did answer my question on it playing the files 0, 5, and 0 for five cents.

Maybe we can get it to be variable based on the rate

if someone can write the below function to retrieve the “Decimal_Points” database value from Global settings, I can probably make the code dynamic based on system configuration.

– Function to retrieve the number of decimal points from the database
function get_decimal_points()
– Replace the following line with the decimal_points value from the Global settings.
return 3 – Assuming a default of 3 decimals if value is not found

Anyone? What’s the lua code to retrieve the “Decimal_Points” database value from Global settings. That’s all I need to make the decimal points dynamic.