DID Routes Disappearing! Help!

We have an ASTPP server that randomly remove the DID routes. The DIDs are still there but they are not assigned to a client and they have no route.

Any ideas?


I had the same problem.-

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Did you find a resolution?

Hello @END3RL3 @cvillalba ,
Can you please create an issue on our community ticket portal, our team will check for it if any issue will be there.

Hi @END3RL3 @cvillalba

Which version of ASTPP are you using?


@cvillalba what is the billing days selected in your DID numbers ?

Any solution? Thanks

Billing days set to 30… other DIDs (that are NOT impacted by this) are set to 0 so I’ll change these to 0. I guess “Billing Days” I didn’t know exactly what that means.

@END3RL3 You can select billing type is recuring and you can select the billing days for particular days you want.
In that case , on that particular day , DID will auto renew.