
I’m trying to read some instructions from that page I used to visit
but it is not loading anymore (I would say, since 6 or more days)
Is that page down or is it my IP ? (I tried from 3 different IPs)

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We have issues with docs application and we are working on it to bring it back. Will update you once it will be back.

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What happened to moving it to a wiki?

That is good option but we are more comfortable with Confluence. We are moving from server hosting to cloud soon.

But the community helping to make better documentation would be better.

As it stands, the current documentation is in badly need of improvement.

Are there any updates on this?
The site is down yet.

Our documentation was attacked by a hacker and it has been infected with ransomware, which is due to a confluence vulnerability issue.

Here is the detail information on that: CVE-2023-22518 - Improper Authorization Vulnerability In Confluence Data Center and Server | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation

We have recovered the documentation from backup but that has been messed up as well as they recommended not to put it public until we move them to a new secure server or migrate to their cloud.

We are in touch with the Atlassian team for migrating Jira and Confluence to the cloud and we are making progress in that. Hopefully, within 1 or 2 weeks, it will be migrated and we will have full documentation back.

@KNERD I agree with your point to make documentation open source so one can contribute. We will discuss internally and see what can be done as we have spent a lot of time building current documentation. So not sure if we want to spent same time again in building documentation in another platform.

If you have any suggestions/improvements/want any content updates in the documentation then you can reach me at and we will take it forward.

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Thanks for the update, Samir

Is there any updates on this? Im a paying customer and I cant access the documentation? there are so many temporary sites where you can host your docs securelt. Please give an update on this

They could have put it on Github as it has a wiki there.

@henryd99 Try this

Docs are migrated to cloud now. The new url is: Overview - ASTPP Documentation - Confluence ( will be redirected to this url soon.


Now the certificate has expired

Just rechecked, its working good.

Seems it is for the incorrect domain name.

Got it. Fixed.

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