2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] switch_odbc.c:375 STATE: 01000 CODE 0 ERROR: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmyodbc8a.so’ : file not found
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [CRIT] switch_core_sqldb.c:645 Failure to connect to ODBC ASTPP!
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] freeswitch_lua.cpp:374 Connection failed. DBH NOT Connected.
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [DEBUG] switch_cpp.cpp:1466 [ASTPP] Database connection fail…!!!
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [DEBUG] switch_cpp.cpp:1466 [ASTPP] [LOAD_CONF] Query :SELECT name,value FROM system
WHERE group_title IN (‘global’,‘opensips’,‘callingcard’,‘calls’,‘InternationalPrefixes’)
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] freeswitch_lua.cpp:480 DBH NOT Connected.
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] mod_lua.cpp:202 /usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/astpp/lib/astpp.functions.lua:28: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘assert’
/usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/astpp/lib/astpp.functions.lua:28: in function ‘load_conf’
/usr/share/freeswitch/scripts/astpp/astpp.lua:49: in main chunk
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] mod_lua.cpp:269 LUA script parse/execute error!
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [WARNING] mod_dialplan_xml.c:669 Context default not found
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [INFO] switch_core_state_machine.c:306 No Route, Aborting
Using Debian 11,
Need help related to databade error
The answer is right there in the first line. Can’t open lib, file not found. That is the odbc driver file.
June 22, 2024, 10:56pm
i do need to upgrade that script, but it should of download and installed it, unless something has changed
1 Like
Thanks for Your help KNERD,
I am waiting for that upgraded script to try install…
I know that, i am looking for the solution, i tried hard to resolve that but m new in to it that why, no solution i got.
June 28, 2024, 2:44am
I think a library is available in the Debian repo for that
No script working for Installation, plz share a script so that i can try to install, using Debian 11, and slected debian buster for mysql.
I know that, i am looking for the solution, i tried hard to resolve that but m new in to it that why, no solution i got.
Like I said, the answer is right there in the first line. You do not have the ODBC driver installed, so install it. You did not say what version of OS but the package name is probably the one mentioned in the second link.
I know that, i am looking for the solution, i tried hard to resolve that but m new in to it that why, no solution i got.
An internet search for Debian + ODBC driver install should do the trick.
December 6, 2024, 1:17am
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] switch_odbc.c:375 STATE: 01000 CODE 0 ERROR: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmyodbc8a.so’ : file not found
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [CRIT] switch_core_sqldb.c:645 Failure to connect to ODBC ASTPP!
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] freeswitch_lua.cpp:374 Connection failed. DBH NOT Connected.
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [DEBUG] switch_cpp.cpp:1466 [ASTPP] Database connection fail…!!!
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [DEBUG] switch_cpp.cpp:1466 [ASTPP] [LOAD_CONF] Query :SELECT name,value FROM system
WHERE group_title IN (‘global’,‘opensips’,‘callingcard’,‘calls’,‘InternationalPrefixes’)
2024-06-22 06:02:42.139694 99.97% [ERR] freeswitch_lua.cpp:480 DBH NOT Connected.
And my script does install what is available with the ASTPP repo
#database cpnnector
cd /opt/ASTPP/misc/
tar -xzvf odbc.tar.gz
mkdir -p /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/.
cp -rf odbc/libmyodbc8* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/.