Hey. I am still working on my install script so that one does not need to use a SignalWire token. It would also be nice to get it set up on other systems such as ARM.
So far, I have the installation almost fully working with Debian 10,11, and Ubuntu 22.04.
The issue I am having is with FreeSwitch. It is running, but no Sofia sip profiles are loading. I am compiling it instead of using the SignalWire packages.
Can one of you help me understand why it is failing to do so?
I notice an almost identical issue is happening with your v6 installer. Upon boot, no Sofia profile is loader either however, when I restart FreeSwitch, a sip profile will load.
I also ran into another issue with FreeSwitch which came up out of the blue also, but Signal does not seem to want to help. Their best answer it to “use the binaries.”
You should be using MySQL v8 with ASTPP. You can use MariaDB but there are some incompatibilities, so you would need to go through the SQL install file and change those before installing the schema. This project seems intent on sticking with MySQL 8 unfortunately.
Also, make sure you are disabling strict mode in the MySQL config file.
I already went through the compatibility issues. All the data from the install is in there.
Even while logged in, the sample data and accounts are being listed. Just the sip profile is not loaded into FreeSwitch,
Also, I tried changing to mod_maridb and throws an error
Like I said, use MySQL v8, not MariaDB. Also, Freeswitch cannot access MySQL or MariaDB if you don’t have that mod_mariadb enabled, so I don’t know what you are doing.
ASTPP SQL schema is designed for MySQL v8, not MariaDB. They are not 100% compatible. I was using MariaDB once upon a time but ran into compatibility issues. I don’t remember what they were. Instead of dealing with that by maintaining my own *.sql files I just switched to MySQL 8 so I am was more in line with the project.
My understanding it MariaDB is supposed to be a “drop in replacement” for MySQL though are some compatibility issues.
MariaDB is intended to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, with library binary parity and exact matching with MySQL APIs and commands, allowing it in many cases to function as drop-in replacement for MySQL.