Inbound calls cost

How do I get incoming calls that cost per minute, check if the account has a balance for it, and if the balance is 0, the call is declined?

For inbound call, system wouldn’t check balance as we alway wants to have Free incoming calls.

Exactly, but there are Toll-Free DIDs, how to do in this case, because even without a balance the customer could continue using the service

could anyone help with this?

This requires custom development in call scripts. Either you can raise it on as suggestion and team will look at that, or you can contact to our sales team to help you out with it.

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Has anything changed as far as toll free and charging the end user based on incoming prefix?

Thanks for this and can you elaborate please? Perhaps there is a file or folder you can point to for us to look at and see how we can implement.

Can’t you just declare the toll-free number as DID and then charge for the inbound calls?

You’re referring to the “Create DID” page correct? … Where you can add a cost per min.

The problem is the rate could be different if a mobile or landline calls the toll free number. Ideally, instead of that field being used for a static rate, you apply a “rate group” to it.

It would then choose the rate to charge the user based on the caller ID of the person calling the DID.

Edit: Actually, a better work around would be to alter the global setting “Rate check for DID *”.

Right now it will charge the provider based on the prefix of the DID number, this would need to change to charge the user and based on the caller ID of the person calling the toll free number.