Need help to find file

Hello Everyone.
I am just modifying something in ASTPP. but i need one help to understand something.
basically i have added a column in the accounts table called outgoing= 0 for enable and 1 for disable
my plan is if the account outgoing column is = 1 system will be play a file ( file is already in the sound folder) and hangup.

so question is can someone guide me which file or files i need to have a look to achieve that?

i know the files are in /opt/ASTPP/freeswitch/scripts/

but can someone tell me which file exactly need to check . i just put a account expired date 2019 year date and system plays this card has expired. and hangup. i want to achieve exactly this function. so please guide me just which files need to work i can check myself then.

thanks very much in advance

Hello @sokalsondha ,

You can refer astpp dialplan file and there you can get some idea about changes.