I want to make a outbound call from 2000@Test (SIP domain on Fusionpbx) → Astpp → ITSP but failed (403 forbiden). I ve set sip_h_X-accountcode=1256093879, it is parameter correct?
Can you guy have a correct setting for outbound call from any SIP domain on my multitenant FusionPBX?
Can you give me a correct setting? I had set sip device of ASTPP in FBX by using two field as shown in the picture I have attached. But when making a call, it ignores the fields I have declared and runs straight to the gateway to ASTPP and only runs the default account that was available when I installed astpp, if I create a new customer and disable the default customer then it doesn’t run
@NormanMichaelis, It does indeed appear in the SIP report, but it’s not functioning as expected. I need Astpp to verify the username and password of the SIP device associated with the customer’s account configured on the PBX. Afterward, it should use the phone number declared in the SIP devices’ Caller Number field to make calls to the ISP.
As for Astpp’s current operation, it doesn’t pay attention to which account code I use on the PBX. It only requires that the PBX’s IP address be allowed in ASTPP’s white IP list, and it will pass calls through directly to the end IP. One important note is that outbound numbers must be configured within the PBX; if I configure them in the SIP device, ASTPP doesn’t recognize them.
@tai36 - can you remove the Trusted IP Mapping in the ASTPP, and run fs_cli on the ASTPP, then do your test call… you can upload the screen debug and we can have a look to see what is happening in the ASTPP, the sngrep is only showing the final output of what is happening, and not the full story.
@tai36 - thanks for the log.
does the client/tenant have there own registered Trunk (username/password) with ASTPP?
if so, then in each tenant on FusionPBX, you need to add a gateway with there own username and password, and use that trunk in the outbound routes.
i have, from that server 30 trunks to the same ASTPP…
on the ASTPP, i have setup each client a SIP Device, and not a Trusted IP or using the AccountCode Method.
*Note, i am aware i have left the password etc in the images, but all info/IP are not accessible from the internet, only internally, we use internal DNS servers… for a .local FQDNs
Everything is fine when I create a trunk and test calling using the first sip device of the account code, but starting from the second trunk, it reports an error and cannot connect. I have tried creating a main trunk on the main domain and separate trunks for the subdomains, but it still gives me a gateway failure error. How can you create up to 30 trunks without encountering gateway failure? I have 1 main domain and two subdomain
@tai36 if the second trunk is also using Username/Password for the Gateway (on FusionPBX), it should not give that error, it could be becasue the second trunk looks like its using trusted IP.
Try delete the second trunk, and recreate it from scratch, i have had an issue before where i copied one to another.
below is one of my tenants, that has 11 gateways to the same ASTPP.
There could be two ways of authenticating and connecting pbx with ASTPP.
IP based:
Here, you can add IP of pbx in IP-Setting of ASTPP and bind with one of the account of ASTPP. Now if you want another account of ASTPP to be bound with different customer/tenant’s calls from the same PBX then you will add all the IP-settings entries of that PBX IP with prefix and configure the dialplan in PBX such that when calls routing from PBX to ASTPP then it will be that prefix only which you are configured in IP-settings of ASTPP. So different prefix for different customer/tenant of PBX.
This way customer/tenant can be one-2-one bound with ASTPP customer account.
Device/extension based:
You can use as many sip device as trunk/gateway on pbx side of ASTPP, use the different customer’s sip device as trunk/gateway in PBX for different customer/tenant.