What will be done about the binary file token change at Signal Wire?

Since the binaries are not longer freely available to download without a token, what will be done?

FusionPBX has switched their install script to instead download the source and compile it on the local server.

I think you should do the same.

Exploring the options; compiling the source is one of them. The soonest we’ll be done.

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Hello @KNERD

We have updated the script for version- 5 ,
You can now download the script from here https://www.astppbilling.org/download

Please let us know here if any you have any other concern.

Thank you

That one is for including a token from Signalwire.

No Thanks.

I will continue to make my own installer which compiles the source, and will include support for Debian 11 since Debian 10 will be EOL August of this year.