Very slow Web GUI after ASTPP 6 fresh install

Hi everybody,

I’ve just made a fresh install of ASTPP v6 on a Debian 11, and noticed that the Web GUI is terribly slow. I found these posts that seems similar to my situation:


But in my case I found different files to be causing the delay:

Both calls to “dashboard/” are initiated by 2 files called set.js and ckfinder.js, but none of them can be found anywhere in /var/www/html/ and its subfolders, not in the indicated location nor in another place.


I found a reference to these files in:

If I disable those lines the GUI loads fast:

But… Is this a bug? Should I disable those lines? Or which is the correct fix for this?

Thanks for your help.

What is your server configuration?

It could be because the site is blocked from your or their end? Or maybe connectivity issues? I am not getting any delays from my installation

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I have a Debian 11, kernel 5.10.0-33-amd64, nginx/1.18.0, PHP 7.4.33, mysql Ver 8.0.37, ASTPP 6.0 Community, on a DigitalOcean droplet.
Everything was installed with the install script.
If you need any other detail, let me know.

I don’t think so, no special firewall rules or nginx access rule or custom .access file anywhere. These are the current firewall rules:

root@pro6:~# firewall-cmd --list-all
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  services: dhcpv6-client http https ssh
  ports: 5060/udp 5060/tcp 16384-32767/udp
  forward: no
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

Furthermore, the issue is solved when I disabled the 2 lines that I showed above, but I don’t know if doing so I’m disabling any important feature.
Thanks for your help.

But you have not checked the other end to see if it is blocking you. A lot of virtual machines are abused there (and many other data centers) so many sites tend to block known data centers